Willed Dreams 110 Living Tenets

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Willed Dreams 110 Living Tenets


Finding Happiness, Success, Purpose, and Security is why we all are on our journey to our destiny…it is the Subject of All Subjects. It is complex, and far more complex than the gazillion “no content, content” articles espousing ‘Secrets To…’ or ’10 Things Millionaires do’…etc.

There are thousands of life, wealth and business books…and some really great ones. However, too many don’t address that very few if any of their lessons are effective when their reader has controllable weaknesses in their core foundation, including unknown weaknesses (like I had unknowingly possessed…but easily and readily fixed once aware). My own pursuit of self-improvement building, post parents, started not because a great light bulb went off in my head…but because I made some decisions that could have been better. Tenet #82: Only those who have gone too far, know how far you can go.” So I began collecting self-improvement readings when I was 28 years old. Over the ensuing forty plus years, I have created a diary journal of Living Tenets for developing my personal happiness, growth and success that I have given to my children, friends, colleagues and Team.

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